Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 3 Discussion 1 (2)

Week 3 Discussion 1 (2)

Q Post a cohesive response based on your analysis of the learning resources and your professional experience. Be sure to discuss the following: Identify one example in which you had to make an ethical decision involving a workplace communication or any organizational communication. Include a brief explanation of the need or purpose of the communication. (If you have not been in that position yet, draw from a personal experience or describe an experience when you received a communication within an organization or describe a communication you observed in a similar context). If you are unable to think of a situation, please refer to the “Your Communication Interaction” scenario on page 194 of the course textbook titled “The Terminator” to respond to the following question. Imagine that you are Tyler in this scenario. Describe the ethical decisions you had to consider when drafting the communication or preparing for the conversation. (If you were not in the position of drafting the communication, describe the types of decisions you think would have been factored into the drafting of the communication.) Referring back to the readings and assignments from Weeks 1 and 2, how do you think self-concept and perceptions influence the communication choices? Evaluate the outcome of the communication; explain if and to what extent you achieved your purpose. If you did not draft the communication, evaluate the outcome of it and to what extent you think it achieved its purpose. If the outcome was positive, what important lessons does the example you shared offer? If the outcome was negative, what lessons did you learn? What additional steps do you think would have led to a better outcome? As a manager or leader, what key factors do you think you always need to consider when composing communications?

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Every workplace has employees belonging from various cultures and backgrounds which makes the organization diverse and rich with lots of creative and innovative ideas. But at the same time, diversity can also be an issue if not properly managed by the management of the organization. In my previous workplace, I was the head of the creative department in the textile company where I worked for three years. There was an instance where head from the different department was called for a meeting by the organization and had to make a decision regarding the diversity in the workplace. The company had employees from all different cultures and backgrounds who had very different ways of doing things. These differences would sometime create a difficult situation for the organization.